My Top Favorite Business Books

  Dear Entre­pre­neur,   I want to share 4 of my favorite busi­ness books with you. If you’re a #solo­pre­neur you might rec­og­nize these.   In our busi­ness, we are marketers,…

Unleash your Potential: Set Goals, Get on Track!

Sat­ur­day #metime | 01.18.2020 |#chron­i­cle­sofiris || A blog for #boss­babes and #gamechang­ers | By Irís Med­i­na-Elston “We should cer­tain­ly count our bless­ings, but we should also make our bless­ings count.” Take…

Escape the 9 to 5 Living the 80/20 Way

Have you ever won­dered how some peo­ple seem to have it all?  They work a lot less than we do and some­how make more and have time for more than…

The Law of the Farm

We live in a world that is gov­erned by nat­ur­al laws, just like gravity–what goes up must come down.  In agri­cul­ture, we can eas­i­ly see and agree that the natural…

Resolving Unfinished Business

Dear friends, do you have unfin­ished busi­ness you need to deal with, but you won’t? You may be strug­gling with your health, career, or rela­tion­ships. When we allow these to build…