Why Every Choice You Make Matters

Every choice shapes how you live today, but most impor­tant, how you live the rest of your life. But the good news is, change is with­in you.” ‑Dar­ren Hardy, The…

Yes You Can!

Why not me?  Why not you? “The best among us are not more gift­ed than the rest.  They just take lit­tle steps each day as they march towards life.  The days,…

Unleash your Potential: Set Goals, Get on Track!

Sat­ur­day #metime | 01.18.2020 |#chron­i­cle­sofiris |www.irismedina.com| A blog for #boss­babes and #gamechang­ers | By Irís Med­i­na-Elston “We should cer­tain­ly count our bless­ings, but we should also make our bless­ings count.” Take…