What Does it Mean To Be Multi-Passionate?

I’ve been writ­ing my entire life, no real­ly, my entire life. I remem­ber writ­ing fic­tion­al sto­ries in high school. I have no idea where they are, hope­ful­ly ful­ly min­er­al­ized somewhere…

My Top Favorite Business Books

  Dear Entre­pre­neur,   I want to share 4 of my favorite busi­ness books with you. If you’re a #solo­pre­neur you might rec­og­nize these.   In our busi­ness, we are marketers,…

2 Things I Do When I Experience a Setback

Life hap­pens to all of us. We have good days and we have bad days. There isn’t one sin­gle per­son in the world who is exempt from this. Every­one faces…

Want to Change Your Life? Do This One Thing Today

Give thanks. Give thanks today. Give thanks tomor­row. Give thanks for every­thing in your sight. Give thanks for your abil­i­ty to read these words. Give thanks for tech­nol­o­gy and access…