How to Redirect Urls

Hel­lo dar­lings! So I recent­ly pur­chased two domains I want redi­rect­ed to my blog, and (Span­ish version–more on this lat­er) are two urls I suc­cess­ful­ly redi­rect­ed to my…

Living with Integrity

I recent­ly picked up a book, “Liv­ing with Integri­ty,” by Ronald Greer.  Integri­ty is doing the right thing when we know it’s the right thing to do.  It got me…

Install Drupal Using QuickInstall

Today I’m going to show you how to quick­ly install the lat­est ver­sion of Dru­pal using Quick­In­stall. Tools you’ll need Host­ga­tor Con­trol Pan­el (cPan­el) A great atti­tude! Option­al A glass…

Ladies, Increase your Math Literacy

I recent­ly expe­ri­enced some major dis­ap­point­ments.  I was inter­est­ed in a posi­tion that required being excel­lent with num­bers.  I did­n’t get it.  I then applied for a grad­u­ate pro­gram in…

How to Install a Theme Using Cpanel

Hi friends! If you’re a con­sul­tant, free­lancer or are in the busi­ness of sell­ing something–anything, you must have online pres­ence.  Nowa­days, more and more con­sumers use the inter­net to search…