Become a Goal Setter!

Dar­lings, today is the last day of March 2016. You will nev­er get today again. You will nev­er see March 2016 again in your future after today.

We are approach­ing the 4th month of the year. Where are you with your goals? It’s not too late to change things around. Set some goals, write them down. Don’t set goals that are too low. Set goals that will stretch you. Think of where you will be five years from now if you start today. Think of where you will be five years from now if you keep doing the same things.

Set some goals. Set the type of goals that will make some­thing of you in the process. It’s not about the mon­ey you will make or the body you will have that will be your great­est suc­cess sto­ry, it’s about what “it” will make of you once reach those goals. It’s about the per­son you will become.  That’s a remark­able thought, would­n’t you agree?

Set the kind of goals that will make some­thing of you to achieve them.”

Some­thing remark­able is hap­pen­ing as you’re stretch­ing and reach­ing high­er.  Some­thing mag­nif­i­cent is hap­pen­ing as you’re tak­ing chances. Go where the pres­sure is high. Go where the expec­ta­tions are grand. Join a crowd that expects a lot from you; that’s the only way you will grow.

What are your goals? Set some. The list below is part of my list of goals. I keep most of my goals pri­vate and you can keep yours pri­vate as well, but set some goals and set them high. Sit down with your fam­i­ly, with your spouse with your chil­dren. Sit down and set some goals togeth­er. We have approx­i­mate­ly 9 months left of 2016.  From what I hear, it takes about 9 months to make a baby.  Think of your goal as your baby.  Hav­ing twins, triplets?  Fan­tas­tic, have lots of goals!

Think of how you will feel if God Will­ing, you’re still here in Decem­ber 2016. Where will you be if you do one thing, just one thing towards your goals every sin­gle day? That sounds amaz­ing to me. Doing less makes me feel awful and I know you feel the same, oth­er­wise you would­n’t be read­ing this post.

So why not do more each day?  Do a lit­tle more each day. Buy the book–read the book, take the class, join the webi­nar, join a gym, sign up for a work­shop, sched­ule a time with your man­ag­er to go over your review, before your review. Set some career goals, set some per­son­al goals, set some fun­ny goals, set some big goals, set some lit­tle goals, but for the love of God, set some goals!

Today is the last day of the month. You will not see March 2016 ever again.  I don’t know about you, but this is a scary thought.  The good news is, it’s not too late to rewrite your present and future so that you look to it with antic­i­pa­tion, and not with fear. Set some goals and take small actions and you will feel so won­der­ful. I promise you. The world is in dire need of hap­py, joy­ous and smit­ten peo­ple. The process of set­ting goals is excit­ing; com­plet­ing them feels 100 times more won­der­ful. Set some goals, my friends. Set them high.


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