Acceptance 3

I wish for eyes that only see beau­ti­ful things.  I wish for beau­ti­ful lips that only utter beau­ti­ful words.  I wish for hap­py wrin­kles and wide smiles.  I wish for beau­ti­ful hands that clap, wave and gen­tly touch.  I wish for beau­ti­ful arms that wrap around those in need.  I wish for legs that can take me to where you are.

I wish that you’ll always find me beau­ti­ful because you love me, and not love me because you find me beau­ti­ful.  I wish for a beau­ti­ful mind that will solve, create, share and inspire.  I wish for eter­ni­ty.  I wish for dreams that come true.  I wish for life long after death.  I wish for tol­er­ance and peace.  I wish for patience.  I wish for accep­tance.  I wish for calm­ness.  I wish for silence and a qui­et mind.  I wish for hope for the lone­ly, the sick, the lost, and the hun­gry.  I wish for faith. 

But above all, I wish for love.  I wish for suf­fo­cat­ing, ridicu­lous, incon­ve­nient, intense, nau­se­at­ing, can’t-breathe-with­out-you-kind of love.  Love, the great­est of all.  Love, the cura­tor of all con­flicts.  “Love, a hunger– an end­less aching need.” 

The hunger for love is much more dif­fi­cult to remove than the hunger for bread.”  Moth­er Theresa

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