8–12 Week Self-Paced Transformational Course

TRANSFORMATIONAL, life-changing and high performing 8-week self-paced course.  I'm including access to TWO complimentary weekly group calls, plus...

Only $495.00

  • Trans­for­ma­tion­al, LIFE-CHANGING, and high per­form­ing 8‑week group coaching.
  • Plus access to join one of two of our week­ly calls with me.
  • Plus a down­load­able copy of the 8‑Week Trans­for­ma­tion­al Plan­ner for your per­son­al use.

Here’s a ques­tion: What do you want?  What would make all the dif­fer­ence in your life?  What­ev­er worth­while goal you’d like to achieve, I can help get you there.


KEEP READING and I’ll explain how?

Every sin­gle detail of our pro­gram has been care­ful­ly and inten­tion­al­ly con­sid­ered.  We want to make it as clear and as sim­ple as pos­si­ble.  We believe in the 80/20 prin­ci­ple and we applied this same approach to our coach­ing program.

  • You have up to 12 weeks to com­plete the pro­gram.  You can stay on for an addi­tion­al fee.  It’s not that we’re being mean and unrea­son­able, it’s actu­al­ly quite the oppo­site!  We love you and want to see you succeed. ? 
    • You gave us (or are giv­ing us) your hard earned mon­ey to get RESULTS.  Trust us when we say, we designed this course with ONLY YOU and your suc­cess in mind.
    • Ever hear of Parkin­son’s Law?  It’s the the­o­ry that the amount of work required adjusts to the time avail­able for its com­ple­tion.  This means that if you give your­self 1 week to do some­thing, you will take the entire week (or more!) to do it, even if the entire task can be done in under an hour.  This is exact­ly why we are putting a dead­line on your progress.?

? Pic­ture this…?  you are 8–12 weeks away from your goal. ?

It is remark­able where you can be in only 8 short weeks from now if you do what I’m shar­ing with you in this pro­gram.” Iris Med­i­na-Elston

  • You only need to do 1 task per day.  THIS IS IT! ?

Enroll­ment for this LIFE-CHANGING expe­ri­ence is lim­it­ed so SIGN-UP NOW

My goal is to pro­vide the best tai­lored-ser­vice in the busi­ness.  In order to do so, we are lim­it­ing the num­ber of stu­dents we can help trans­form per cohort.

Enroll­ment for this LIFE-CHANGING expe­ri­ence is lim­it­ed so SIGN-UP NOW

Pro­gram Overview

There are many pos­si­ble routes to get to your des­ti­na­tion.  I am going to show you the one with the least amount of effort required, the fastest, and most scenic.

It is not nec­es­sary to do extra­or­di­nary things to get extra­or­di­nary results.” War­ren Buffett

  • The course is bro­ken up into 8 weeks (8 mod­ules).  You have up to 12 weeks to com­plete your goal.  The course is unbe­liev­ably and inten­tion­al­ly simple.
  • We are giv­ing you NO WAY OUT, not because we don’t like you, on the con­trary, WE LOVE YOU and want you to succeed. ?
  • In Week One you will decide what it is that you want to do with your pre­cious life.  You will select one goal you want to focus on for the next 8‑weeks.

    If you don’t know where you’re going, any place will take you there.”

  • In Week Two, you will devel­op your plan for the next 8–12 weeks.
  • In Week Three and the remain­ing weeks, we will put the ped­al to the medal, so to speak.  That is, we will exe­cute this mag­nif­i­cent plan.  It’s not ideas that most lack, it’s exe­cu­tion.  I will help you get there.

To learn more about the pro­gram, please vis­it our About page.

It is remark­able where you can be in only 8 short weeks from now if you do what I’m shar­ing with you in this pro­gram.” Iris Med­i­na-Elston